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Riverside's Pillars

Riverside Community Church is in pursuit of one thing above anything else: Jesus. As search to scriptures to become more like Jesus, the scripture leads us to intentionally engage with the the things that Jesus intently pursued. We see these in our Pillars, and we believe it is for our best, in being like Jesus, that we intentionally pursue Jesus by engaging in these pillars. 


We invite you to explore these opportunities with us...

Our Four Pillars

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Jesus demonstrates a tremendous value for community. He is continually helping others build, develop, and engage with others. As a community, we are intentional about this in our pursuit of being like Jesus, and we primarily see caring within the community develop through Life Groups. We acknowledge that "there are things that happen in circles that just don't happen in rows." Believing that being intentionally connected with others is vital for our faith journey, we encourage everyone to engage in community through Life Groups (a smaller group of folks caring for each other and gathering to spur one along in being more like Jesus). 



Made For Community | John Hinkebein | Riverside Community Church Online

Made For Community | John Hinkebein | Riverside Community Church Online

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Although Jesus invites every person into a personal relationship with Him, it is not an individual one. Jesus demonstrated this by choosing to live and die for us; his focus was not on his personal desires but glorifying God and loving people. At Riverside, we like to say, "once you were the mission, and now you are invited into the mission." We believe that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) is not the "Great Option," but a command to all of his people to be engaged in the beautiful mission of our Lord Jesus: to make disciples of all nations.


Outward Facing Life | John Hinkebein | 1.16.22 Riverside Community Church Online

Outward Facing Life | John Hinkebein | 1.16.22 Riverside Community Church Online

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As we investigate the life of Jesus in the scriptures, we continually find Jesus intentionally pursuing freedom in peoples' lives. He was passionate and dedicated to helping people find spiritual freedom; Jesus is all about people coming alive to a relationship with God and God's movement in the world. One of the fascinating things we see in Jesus' life is that his passion for freedom is not just a spiritual awakening but it is also a practical reality.


He was practically intentional about bringing freedom to people through physical healing, emotional and mental healing, and restoring people to their communities and families. We also find him changing peoples' perspectives about the equality of all humanity, valuing their uniqueness as God's creation, finding eternal purpose, investing in others, and investing in the development of the next generation. As a community, we, Riverside, recognize there was no promise our journeys would be easier, prosperous, or guarantee freedom comes in the form we desire. However, we are committed to being like Jesus, so we have put together some resources for you or someone you care about to pursue freedom. 

Walk in Freedom | John Hinkebein | 1.23.22 Riverside Community Church Online

Walk in Freedom | John Hinkebein | 1.23.22 Riverside Community Church Online

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Jesus' ministry is recorded and experienced, famously, in relationship with his disciples. Not only did Jesus intentionally model discipleship, but he also left us the mission when he commanded us, "to go make disciples of all nations." He was clear on the role of the local church is; to make disciples that make disciples, that make disciples. At Riverside, we believe that all followers of Christ should have the opportunity to grow in a discipleship relationship and know how to help others find the abundant life that Jesus offers.



Discipleship | John Hinkebein | 1.30.22 Riverside Sunday Service 9AM

Discipleship | John Hinkebein | 1.30.22 Riverside Sunday Service 9AM

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reproducible discipleship

Discipleship relationships at Riverside.


life groups

Get connected in community!



Outward facing life at Riverside.


freedom prayer

Experience freedom through prayer.

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